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Rope tensioning clip
galvanized, clamping units browned
nominal size 4-10 with round hole,
nominal size 16-38 with oval hole

Rope tensioning clip

nominal size rope-ø rope cross section b c d h (mm) l w weight stock no.
(mm) (mm²) (mm) (mm) (mm) cloded open opening (mm) (mm) (kg)
4 1-4 1-16 36 15 19 47 51 6,5 124 19 0,30 1060462
8 3-8 6-35 47 21 20 76 82 10,0 169 20 0,90 1060463
10 5-10 16-70 44 24 18 80 88 12,0 195 18 1,10 1060464
16 8-16 50-150 54 25 30 83 97 19,0 245 39 1,80 1060465
26 12-26 95-400 62 31 29 107 130 26,0 265 38 3,50 1060466
38 20-38 240-800 62 36 29 126 153 40,0 286 38 6,50 1060467