
Wire ropes, Lifting ropes
Wire rope sling and accessories
Chains and accessories
Lifting chain slings and accessories
Lifting Points
Textile ropes, Protection Equipment
Textile lifting attachments
Securing of load, Edge protection
Load lifting attachements
Lifting means
Stainless Steel System

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"We deliver quality - with safety"

Our company has been established for over half a century. In 1990 we restructured the company, expanded our range of products and changed our name from "VEB Hanf und Drahtseilverarbeitung"" to "SAS Seil und Anschlagmittel GmbH". Prepared to take risks and full of commitment, owner and CEO Helmut Müller guided the firm from being a traditiona craft-based ropemaking works into a successful company with around 20 employees. Today, with its highly motivated and expert staff, the company can supply everything you require for moving loads, such as chains, chain suspension gear, rollers, textile slings (including round slings, lifting belts, lashing straps) and of course ropes of all kinds. We also offer a comprehensive testing and inspection service covering everything from chains to lifting tackle. Our factory was built in 1995 and has its own sewing shop so that we can quickly satisfy any special customer wishes in the textile field. With a warehouse stock of more than 1000 different stainless steel rope articles we are able to react very flexibly to orders for stainless steel system for architectural use and facade greenery.

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