
Wire ropes, Lifting ropes
Wire rope sling and accessories
Chains and accessories
Lifting chain slings and accessories
Lifting Points
Textile ropes, Protection Equipment
Textile lifting attachments
Securing of load, Edge protection
Load lifting attachements
Lifting means
Stainless Steel System

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Special engineering solutions

Our engineers can provide a wide and varied range of tailor-made special designs and fabrications.

Ask us! - We have the solution.

Design examples:
Fauler See Regatta Course, Schwerin
Local water sports enthusiasts were able to take possession of the new regatta course on the "Fauler See" lake in Schwerin after a design and construction period of only four months. This new course fulfils all the requirements for venues of national and international canoeing, rowing and dragonboat racing competitions. The rope staying had to be designed not to disturb the natural appearance of the banks. SAS Seil- und Anschlagmittel GmbH undertook the following works:
< 21 winches, 21 underwater pulley blocks and 15 fixed points attached to driven piles; 22,000 linear metres of stainless steel rope tensioned in water 1 m deep, comprising of 13 longitudinal and 5 transverse ropes, each individually adjustable. 840 buoys and diverse floating bodies with special connectors installed and adjusted.

ASS - Stainless steel system for architectural user

Glass facade, Medical Technology Centre, Dresden University
The glass facade of the Medical Technology Centre, Dresden University is supported from a series of tensioned stainless steel ropes.
Wire rope design and fabrication: SAS Seil- und Anschlagmittel GmbH, Schwerin
Installation: Thoms-Metallbau, Rostock
We would be delighted to advise you on all matters of engineering relating to the use of architectural ropes.
