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Open wedge socket
similar to DIN 43148
with bolt and cotter pin,

Open wedge socket similar to DIN 43148

nominal size number of holes rated load a b d h1 h2 w weight stock no.
rope-ø (mm) in the wedge (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
2 - 3 0 50 15 8 7,5 37 66 12,5 0,10 1060490
4 - 5 0 250 23 12 12 67 108 16 0,40 1060491
6 - 7 3 500 26 14 14 85 150 30 0,80 1060492
8 2 500 26 14 14 81 150 24 0,70 1060493
9 - 12 1 500 26 14 14 76 150 20 0,70 1060494
10 - 12 2 1.000 31 17 17 81 163 24 0,80 1060495
12 - 14 1 1.000 31 17 17 76 163 20 0,80 1060496
12 - 15 0 2.500 40 20 20 107 220 36 2,60 1060497
Other sizes and other designs on request.
Distance A ( see example) should be between 50-75% of the total length of the wedge!
Bolt and cotter pin for Open wedge socket
similar to DIN 43148

Bolt and cotter pin for Open wedge socket

nominal size rated load stock no. stock no.
rope-ø (mm) (kg) bolt cotter pin
2 - 3 50 1060498 1060506
4 - 5 250 1060499 1060507
6 - 7 500 1060500 1060508
8 500 1060501 1060509
9 - 12 500 1060502 1060510
10 - 12 1.000 1060503 1060511
12 - 14 1.000 1060504 1060512
12 - 15 2.500 1060505 1060513