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MAXNORM-Chain sling grade 120
1-leg-Chain sling grade 120
size WLL (kg) stock no. with MGH-hook
without eye grab hook with eye grab hook
8-12 3.000 1180001-L 1180013-L
10-12 5.000 1180002-L 1180014-L
13-12 8.100 1180003-L 1180015-L
L = length in meters
2-leg-Chain sling grade 120
siez WLL (kg) stock no. with MGH-Haken
0°-45° 45°-60° without eye grab hook with eye grab hook
8-12 4.250 3.000 1180004-L 1180016-L
10-12 7.100 5.000 1180005-L 1180017-L
13-12 11.300 8.100 1180006-L 1180018-L
L = length in meters
3-leg-Chain sling grade 120
size WLL (kg) stock no.
0°-45° 45°-60° without eye grab hook with eye grab hook
8-12 6.300 4.500 1180007-L 1180019-L
10-12 10.600 7.500 1180008-L 1180020-L
13-12 17.000 12.000 1180009-L 1180021-L
L = length in meters
4-leg-Chain sling grade 120
size WLL (kg) stock no.
0°-45° 45°-60° without eye grab hook with eye grab hook
8-12 6.300 4.500 1180010-L 1180022-L
10-12 10.600 7.500 1180011-L 1180023-L
13-12 17.000 12.000 1180012-L 1180024-L
L = length in meters

Product advantages MAXNORM 12:

- The breaking strength of MAXNORM 12 is 25 % higher than that of grade
10 and even up to 60 % higher than that of grade 8
- The world´s lightest chain in grade 12
- Low temperature durability up to -60°C
- The surface all products is powder coated in the shade ´Ocean blue´
- Easy to use and optimised service life
- 100 % Made in Germany