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Standard shackle with eye bolt
Standard shackle with eye bolt

Standard shackle with eye bolt

chain type, galvanized

nominal size WLL b1 d1 d2 d3 h1 weight stock no.
(mm) (inch) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (k)g gerade
5 3/16" 80 10 5 10 5 20 0,016 1070001
6 1/4" 100 12 6 12 6 24 0,032 1070002
8 5/16" 200 16 8 16 8 32 0,070 1070003
10 3/8" 300 20 10 19 10 40 0,134 1070004
11 7/16" 400 22 11 21 11 44 0,176 1070005
12 1/2" 500 25 12 24 12 48 0,250 1070006
14 9/16" 600 28 14 27 14 56 0,360 1070007
16 5/8" 800 32 16 31 16 64 0,530 1070008
20 3/4" 1.100 38 19 38 20 80 0,920 1070009
22 7/8" 1.500 44 22 43 22 85 1,400 1070010
25 1" 2.000 50 25 49 25 100 2,150 1070011
28 1 1/8" 3.000 56 28 54 28 116 3,400 1070012
32 1 1/4" 3.500 64 32 62 32 129 4,600 1070013
36 1 3/8" 4.000 70 36 70 36 138 5,900 1070014
38 1 1/2" 5.000 76 38 74 38 151 7,600 1070015
Standard shackles are NOT suitable for safety applications.
Dimension and weight approximately disclosures.
Standard shackle with eye bolt

Standard shackle with eye bolt

bow type, galvanized

nominal size WLL b1 d1 d3 d2 d4 h1 weight stock no.
(mm) (inch) (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg) geschweift
5 3/16" 80 10 5 5 10 5 19,5 0,016 1070016
6 1/4" 100 12 6 6 12 6 24 0,032 1070017
8 5/16" 200 16 8 8 16 8 32 0,070 1070018
10 3/8" 300 20 10 10 19 10 40 0,134 1070019
11 7/16" 400 22 11 11 21 11 44,5 0,176 1070020
12 1/2" 500 25 12 12 24 12 49 0,250 1070021
14 9/16" 600 28 14 14 27 14 59 0,360 1070022
16 5/8" 800 32 16 16 31 16 64,0 0,530 1070032
20 3/4" 1.100 38 19 19 38 20 80 0,920 1070024
22 7/8" 1.500 44 22 22 43 22 85 1,400 1070025
25 1" 2.000 50 25 25 49 25 100 2,150 1070026
28 1 1/8" 3.000 56 28 28 54 28 116 3,400 1070027
32 1 1/4" 3.500 64 32 32 62 32 129 4.600 1070028
36 1 3/8" 4.000 70 36 36 70 36 138 5,900 1070029
38 1 1/2" 5.000 76 38 38 74 38 151 7,600 1070030