ASS Attaching sleeve

ASS Attaching sleeve
ASS Attaching sleeve nominal size *rope-ø L L1 L2 d d1 d2 stock no.
mm mm mm mm mm
M8 1,5+2 20 12 3 12 M8 M4 351010008
M10 3+4 25 15 3 14 M10 M6 351010010
*The ropes must have an ASS Cylindrical terminal on one end. this terminal functions like a
stopper avoiding the rope slipping out of the ASS Locking cap. As an alternative,
one might assemble the rope with the ASS Clamping ring.This is possible, when the
ASS Clamping ring nominal size 2 with a wire rope 2 mm is used on the one hand and the
ASS Attaching sleeve and ASS Locking cap M10 on the other hand. The combination of other
sizes is not possible as the outside diameter of the ASS Clamping ring is too big and the
single parts do not fit together!
ASS Locking cap
ASS Locking cap nominal size L k d1 d2 d3 stock no.
mm mm mm mm
M8 9 2,5 M8 12 2,5 351110008
M10 12 3,0 M10 14 4,5 351110010
example pictures