
Wire ropes, Lifting ropes
Wire rope sling and accessories
Chains and accessories
Lifting chain slings and accessories

Lifting Points

Textile ropes, Protection Equipment
Textile lifting attachments
Securing of load, Edge protection
Load lifting attachements
Lifting means
Stainless Steel System

Product search:
Attachment swivel THEIPA Point, with thread Attachment swivel THEIPA Point, with thread
Attachment swivel THEIPA Point-F, with internal thread Attachment swivel THEIPA Point-F, with internal thread
Attachment swivel THEIPA Point-S, weld-on-type Attachment swivel THEIPA Point-S, weld-on-type
Attachment-point TAPG, bolt-on-type Attachment-point TAPG, bolt-on-type
Lifting point rotatable type flat point Lifting point rotatable type flat point
Lifting Point rotatable LBO Lifting Point rotatable LBO
Lifting Point rotatable LBO, extended bolts Lifting Point rotatable LBO, extended bolts
Double swivel shackle DSR Double swivel shackle DSR
Double swivel shackle DSS Double swivel shackle DSS
Swivel Lifting Points CDAW, Grade 60 Swivel Lifting Points CDAW, Grade 60
Hook for excavator UKN Hook for excavator UKN
Hook for excavator ASH Hook for excavator ASH
Weld-on lifting points APA Anschlagpunkt schweißbar APA
Weld-on lifting points CSAG, Grade 60 Weld-on Lifting Points CSAG, Grade 60
Eye bolt high tensile Eye bolt high tensile
Eye nut high tensile 8.8 Eye nut high tensile 8.8
Eye bolt high tensile rotated 8.8 Eye bolt high tensile rotated 8.8
Swivel lifting eye screws CDS, Grade 60 Swivel lifting eye screws CDS, Grade 60
Swivel lifting eye screws SunPoint SPK Swivel lifting eye screws SunPoint SPK
Swivel eye screws CDS-PSA, Grade 60,
as personal protective equipment
Swivel eye screws CDS-PSA, Grade 60, as personal protective equipment
Eye nut acc. to DIN 582, galvanized Eye nut acc. to DIN 582, galvanized
Eye bolt acc. to DIN 580, galvanized Eye bolt acc. to DIN 580, galvanized
Concrete hook type RBH Concrete hook type RBH