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Clevis foundry hook type CWG
Grad 80

Clevis foundry hook type CWG

nominal size WLL b c d h l m s t weight stock no.
(kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg)
6-8 1.120 6,5 32 8 24 122 47 16 85 0,4 1150138
7-8 1.500 7,5 36 8,8 26 132 49 17 90 0,5 1150139
8-8 2.000 9,0 40 10 29 156 63 21 109 0,9 1150140
10-8 3.150 12,0 50 12 38 194 76 31 134 1,9 1150141
13-8 5.300 16,0 60 16 43 233 88 37 161 3,2 1150142
16-8 8.000 18,0 75 20 53 285 98 42 197 5,6 1150143
Hook without toggles may only be used when special reduced rates
accidents when issuing the ast unmount without the participation of the striker
is appropriate (eg in foundries).